Sunday, November 7, 2010

Free Kindle Books

I'm a life-long habitual reader, and for a long time now, a Kindle user.  I had a Kindle 1, which I gave to dear husband, because I needed an excuse to buy a Kindle 2 - which holds more books and reads to me.  I listen to books while I do chores, sometimes while I knit, and very often, while I drive to work through heavy traffic.  No headset, of  course, and hands-free.

Kindle is also easy on my eyes.  The "e-ink screen," black and gray, isn't back-lit and I can change the font size. And, of course, I'm carrying around hundreds of books in my purse.  I get most of my books free.

Fellow Kindle users, check out this special Amazon search - it's a list of all the many, many, many free Kindle books:

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